quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

6th Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (http://icomp.ufam.edu.br/sast2012/) Natal, RN, Brazil September 23rd., 2012 (Sunday) Co-located with: CBSoft 2012 - Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (http://www.cbsoft.dimap.ufrn.br/ ) CALL FOR PAPERS ================= Software testing is of central importance to verify and validate software systems. However, empirical studies show that test-related activities often account for over 50% of software development costs. Systematic and automated approaches have shown capable of reducing this overwhelming cost. Industrial success cases have been openly reported and academic interest continues to grow as observed by the growing number of researchers in the field. The main goal of SAST is to build a forum that brings the research and industry communities together to discuss improvements in software testing systematization and automation. The 6th edition of SAST will be co-located with the Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft) and will benefit from other important joint events, as the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), the Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBPL), Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBFM), and the Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse (SBCARS). During this period, Natal is the place to be for those interested in Systematic and Automated Software Testing. TOPICS OF INTEREST ==================== The workshop focuses on bringing together the academic and the industrial software testing community that has been researching on systematic and automated practices, activities and tools of software testing. The topics covered by the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following: Test-driven development; Testing integrated with development activities; Program-based testing; Specification-based testing; Model-based testing; Model-driven testing; Risk-based testing; Error-based and fault-based testing; Performance, load and stress testing; Combinatorial testing and random testing; Test case selection techniques; Test case generation techniques; Test oracle and test result checking techniques; Test driver, stubs, harness and test script generation; Test adequacy and coverage measurement; Test effective analysis and test report generation; Test related software artifact generation; Management of testing activities and resources; Maintenance and reuse of test artifacts; Requirements and Tests; Test artifacts traceability; Formal Approaches to Testing. BEST PAPER AWARD ======================== The best paper will be invited to submit an extended version to RITA (Revista em Informática Teórica e Aplicada)! SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ======================== We solicit submissions in the following categories: -Technical papers: Technical papers should present original contribution to software testing research area and must be no longer than 10 pages, including all the figures, references, and appendices. -Experience Reports: Experience report papers content should describe the practical usage of software testing in real industry applications, emphasizing the results obtained and the lessons learned. The reports should not have been published previously, yet they are not required to present original contributions. Experience report papers must be no longer than 6 pages, including all the figures, references, and appendices. Papers can be written either in Portuguese or in English and will be judged according to their adequacy to workshop scope, relevance, technical soundness and originality. Papers should state clearly their relation to previous work, mainly to previous published work of the own authors. Theoretical papers should emphasize the contribution to the practice. Papers on empirical experiments should describe the used methods and interpret qualitatively and quantitatively their results. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three workshop PC members. Papers must follow the guidelines described in "Templates for Articles and Book Chapters" of the Brazilian Computer Society, available at http://www.sbc.org.br/en/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=195&task=viewcategory&catid=32. Submitted papers must be unpublished original work. All submitted papers must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must be submitted using the JEMS system (https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/>. PUBLICATION ============= For accepted submissions, at least one of the authors must register in the workshop for presenting the paper. IMPORTANT DATES ================== Submission Deadline: June 17th, 2012 Notification of Acceptance: July 14th, 2012 Final Version: July 21th, 2012 PC CHAIRS ========== Roberta Coelho (DIMAp/UFRN) Arilo Claudio (IComp/UFAM) PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be confirmed) =================== Adalberto Crespo, CEMPRA Adenilso da Silva Simão, SSC/USP Aditya P. Mathur, Purdue University, USA Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM, Canada Ana Cavalcanti, University of York, UK Ana Cavalli, GET-INT, France Ana Maria Ambrósio, INPE Anamaria Martins Moreira, DIMAp/UFRN Antonia Bertolino, CNR, Pisa, IT Arilo Claudio Dias Neto, IComp/UFAM (co-chair) Arndt Von Staa, Puc-Rio Augusto Sampaio, CIN/UFPE Auri Vincenzi, INF/UFG Edmundo Spoto, UNIVEM Eliane Martins, IC/Unicamp Ellen Francine Barbosa, SSC/USP Fábio Fagundes Silveira - ICT/UNIFESP Guilherme Horta Travassos, COPPE/UFRJ João Cangussu, UTD, USA Jorge Figueiredo, DSC/UFCG José Carlos Maldonado, SSC/USP Juliano Iyoda, CIn/UFPE Juliana Herbert, UNISINOS Márcio Eduardo Delamaro, SSC/USP Marcos Chaim, EACH/USP Mário Jino, FEEC/UNICAMP Otávio Lemos, ICT/UNIFESP Patrícia Machado, DSC/UFCG Paulo César Masiero, SSC/USP Plínio Vilela, UNIMEP Roberta Coelho, DIMAp/UFRN (chair) Ricardo Anido, IC/UNICAMP Sandra Fabri, DC/UFSCAR Silvia Regina Vergílio, DInf/UFPR Simone do Rocio Senger de Souza, SSC/USP

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

Vaga Web Designer / HTML - Campinas

Empresa de desenvolvimento web, a StarCorp, está contratando profissionais com os seguintes requisitos: Seleciona candidatos para a vaga de Implementador HTML para Campinas / SP. Requisitos: WEB DESIGNER / HTML - Conhecimentos em: HTML, Tableless (CSS/DIV), Javascript, Flash, Dreamweaver e Photoshop; – Experiência no desenvolvimento de websites, portais, intranets e extranets; – Ter portifólio próprio de implementação HTML/Tableless será um diferencial; – Escolaridade mínima: técnico formado ou cursando superior na área ou mínimo de 6 meses de experiência; – Residir em Campinas ou cidades da região; – Disponibilidade para início imediato. Acesse nosso blog de projetos (www.starcorp.com.br/projetos) para nos conhecer melhor e também o que esperamos de nossos profissionais. Benefícios: – Vale transporte. – Vale refeição. – Plano de saúde Unimed. – Plano odontológico. Salário: A combinar Enviar currículos até 25/05/2012 aos cuidados de: Andréa com a sigla: Implementador HTML no campo assunto para o e-mail: rh@starcorp.com.br.